Kara haber... Yalçın Ergündoğan

Birgün: “Yurdumuz bütün cihandır bizim” diyen, insan türünün doğadaki ‘ayak izlerini’ azaltmasını savunan, ancak tüm canlı türleriyle birlikte doğal ‘yaşam dengesinin’ dolayısı ile de ‘kendi yaşamının’ korunabileceğinin bilincinde olan “yaşam savunucuları” seslerini daha güçlü çıkarmanın yollarını bulacaklar mutlaka...

Saudi gas pipeline fire kills 28

RIYADH (Reuters) - Twenty-eight people were killed when a fire broke out in a gas pipeline near the Hawiyah gas plant in Saudi Arabia overnight, Saudi Aramco said on Sunday.

Alarming UN report on climate change is too rosy, many say

International Herald Tribune: The blunt and alarming final report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, released here by UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, may well underplay the problem of climate change, many experts and even the report's authors admit.

WWF Report: Stopping Climate Change Is Possible!

ScienceDaily— While some governments try to delay action, the switch to a cleaner and more efficient energy system is already underway, according to a new report from WWF.

Climate Change Irreversible? United Nations Chief Urges Breakthrough After Dire IPCC Report Released

ScienceDaily (Nov. 18, 2007) —Launching the fourth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which brings together hundreds of scientific experts, Mr. Ban said that slowing and even reversing the effects of climate change “is the defining challenge of our age."

US delegates say dangers of climate change unclear

AFP:"So the science simply can't tell us what that number is... There are always going to be value judgments associated with it... That is a political judgment, as it's been made," US negotiator on climate issues Harlan Watson.

320 Million Trees Lost to Katrina, Fuels Global Warming - Yahoo! News

LiveScience.com Thu Nov 15, 2:45 PM ET Andrea Thompson
Major hurricanes may not only be fueled by global warming, they may also contribute to it, according to a new study that puts the Hurricane Katrina death toll for trees at 320 million.